My Growth
Life Skills Coach Certification ICF accredited - COMPLETED 2020
Life Skills Coach Diploma
Self Development course 2021
Online business course 2021
Every morning when I wake up, I know that everything is as it should be and that life treats me the way I look at it. It's my choice. I am happy. I hear birds chirping outside the window, I feel real joy, and I've never really felt like this before. I feel calmness, every day. No rush and no unhappiness inside. I accept myself for who I really am. I live my life the way I want rather than in survival mode.
However, I have to admit that a few years back it was a completely different story. I was lost in life; I didn't know what I wanted, what made me happy and which direction I should be going in. I felt sadness and even my body wasn't in the best shape. I had a "few" extra pounds and I was pretending that I was absolutely ok with this. Most likely because I didn't really have to do anything about it. It is always easier to close your eyes than face reality.
For years, I listened to other people more than I listened to myself. Doing this, I managed to shut down my inner child so much that I almost completely lost it.
I wasn't really missing anything so badly (so why not to be happy right?), but I couldn't find my inner satisfaction. The real feeling of happiness. My own journey. Seemed so hard for me to understand why.
5 years ago I came to Canada to live my dream but the reality was far from my dream. My life that was filled with travels and a "no worries" kind of vibe was suddenly over and just like that I was facing a new challenge, the greatest so far. The era of growing up as I determined.
That is how it all started. I felt absolutely lost and worthless and I had no idea how my future was going to look like but most importantly, “who the hell am I?”
My life, until now, was filled with parties and long sleepless nights with a group of my closest friends. This was all I was and except for this, I had no idea who this girl was anymore. I simply got lost along the way. It was a roller coaster. One day life was the greatest and the next day it was filled with depression and questions about what I was trying to accomplish. My friends whom I thought of as my family turned out not to be anymore. It was tearing me apart from the inside.
So, I decided I had to change my way of living. Simply, it just could not be what it was anymore and that’s how my thorny path to self-development, accompanied by a river of tears, began.
So here we are in Autumn 2016. I met a guy who I fell in love with and wanted to make sure that our relationship had a strong foundation. And that was it. The beginning of my journey to self-development. This journey reached the top (and started at the same time) in September 2020 when I signed up for school and graduated as a certified Life Coach. I had this inside need to understand how does (or doesn’t) the human mind and ego work together.
Not only was I was able to develop on a deeper level but most importantly, with this knowledge, I can help other human beings in need.
This is how alive.coaching was born. The feeling I get from helping someone by pulling them out of hell and bringing them to paradise is extraordinary. I feel like I finally found the purpose for why I live. To serve others. Because to feel truly happy on the inside is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. The journey is hard and demanding but it is worth every minute of our precious time. A joyful life is about the overall view, all the areas combined, not just the psychological side.
I decided to share my story with others, who are in the same place as I was a few years back, to help you to work through any problems of yours. This may include feeling depressed, weight troubles, partner/relationship troubles or any other individual troubles.
My practice is led by the client so it is completely up to you how deep you allow me to go and how ready you are. I am known for being over sensitive which I always thought had a negative impact on my life, but now is the time to use it towards success. Your success.
My approach is simple. I take you the way you are, no judging or advising how you should or should not live your life. Because thanks to our sessions you will find all your answers by yourself.
That’s the magic of life coaching.
I have walked a long way so I can now save YOU some time on your way to happiness and a fulfilling life.